What is PBIS?
The mission of school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions & Support (PBIS) is to establish and maintain a school environment where the social culture and behavioral supports needed to be an effective learning environment are in place for all students. PBIS is not a program or curriculum, rather it is a process for systematic problem-solving, planning, and evaluation. It is an approach to creating a safe and productive learning environment where teachers can teach and all students can learn.
All students are taught the building PBIS expectations SAFE, RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and KIND in all areas of the school. Modeling and practicing of these expectations take place multiple times throughout the school year and are reinforced daily. Individual and classroom reward systems are in place to positively incent our students to follow school-wide expectations.
As part of the PBIS process, teachers and other staff members use evidence-based practices to increase learning and decrease classroom disruptions. To keep students following the rules in a positive manner, we do the following when teaching both academics and behavior:
Constantly teach and refer to our school-wide expectations.
Provide students with more praise than correction.
Talk to students with respect using positive behavior language.
Actively engage everyone in the classroom during instruction.
Use pre-correcting, prompting, and redirecting as we teach.
Look for positive first and provide positive, frequent, and explicit feedback.